10 Foods to Eat If You Need To Poop Within 15 Minutes

2-Sweet Potatoes

In addition to offering numerous minerals and vitamins, sweet potatoes also have a lot of fiber that aid you to poop regularly. A medium sweet potato of 114 grams has 4 grams of fiber. The fiber present in sweet potatoes is usually insoluble and has a few particular types, like pectin, lignin, and cellulose.

According to research, sweet potatoes can aid in promoting bowel movements. A study in 2016 studied the impacts of sweet potato consumption on constipation in 57 patients of leukemia who were receiving chemotherapy treatment. Four days in the study, the majority of the constipation markers had improved, and the participants experienced less discomfort and straining when compared to the control group.

Sweet potatoes can be roasted, sautéed, mashed, or baked and used to replace white potatoes in any dish.

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