10 Foods to Eat If You Need To Poop Within 15 Minutes


Figs are a great way to obtain more fiber and promote regularity. Dried figs, particularly, can offer a rich fiber meal. Dried figs weighing 75 grams have fiber weighing 7.5 grams, which is 30 percent of the daily requirement.

According to a 2011 animal study, impacts of fig paste on constipation were studied over three weeks. It was discovered that fig paste improved the weight of the stool and minimized intestinal transit time, which makes it a natural treatment for constipation.

Another research on humans discovered that offering fig paste to 40 participants with constipation assisted in speeding up colonic transit, improving stool consistency and alleviating abdominal discomfort. While you can eat figs on their own, you can also boil them into a delicious jam that goes well with sandwiches, pizzas, and bruschetta.

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