10 important Life Lessons No One Can Live Without


“Aiming for the title of ‘best’ in what you love doing is as admirable as it is vague. To truly become the best, one should strive to be acknowledged as an expert in what they love doing. Consolidating your interests into a set topic to excel in is a step forward in the path of success. Just as Olympic athletes compete to win the gold and nothing else, so too should you compete in order to be an expert in what you enjoy. You’ll only ever be as good as the effort you put in.”

“The picture of life is painted as the greatest experience one could have, along with the most difficult. It is strange to think that something so enjoyable could ever be difficult, much less the most difficult. Rather than that, I believe it is the difficulty of life that gives us appreciation for what comes after we climb up the hill.

When faced with the trials and tribulations that will inevitably come, it is important to keep your thoughts on the silver lining; the light in the darkness. One cannot exist without the other, just as shadows cannot exist without light. There are always two sides to the coin, and you should always obligate yourself to find the better part of something horrible; true silver linings.”

10 important Life Lessons No One Can Live Without