2018 Budget: President Buhari Budgeted Hundreds Of Millions For Foodstuff, Delicious Meals, Refreshment, Drugs, Others – See The Break Down

2018 Budget: President Buhari Budgeted Hundreds Of Millions For Foodstuff, Delicious Meals, Refreshment, Drugs, Others – See The Break Down

2018 Budget: President Buhari Budgeted Hundreds Of Millions For Foodstuff, Delicious Meals, Refreshment, Drugs, Others – See The Break Down

According to details of the 2018 budget proposal presented to the National Assembly, on Tuesday, the State House will get a total of N11,545,784,995 billion, to spend during the year, if the proposal gets approved as submitted.

For the State House, foodstuff will gulp N145.1 million; refreshment and meals, N135.6 million; drugs and medical supplies, N36.7 million; while digital medical references will cost N15.8 million.

Also, a sum of N24.03 million will be deployed to the purchase of sporting equipment, wildlife conservation will cost N65,431,205, to wit upgrade of Villa Ranch will gulp N28,908,625, while the purchase of plant nursery equipment takes N24.03 million.


Purchase of tyres for bullet-proof vehicles, plain Toyota cars, CCU vehicles, platform trucks, Land Cruiser and Prado jeeps, Hilux, Peugeot 607, ambulances and other utility and operational vehicles, will cost N83,774,000.

The President also plans a phased replacement of vehicles, spares and tyres in the Presidential CVU, Security/Police escort and State House operational fleets, at a cost of N907.1 million.

There is another proposal for annual routine maintenance of mechanical/electrical installations of the Villa, for N4.86 billion.

A careful perusal of the document equally suggested that the Federal Government may be serious about developing nuclear energy, as a strategy to resolve the electricity quagmire, with a proposal to spend a total of N4.7 billion on Nigeria Atomic Energy Commission.

Consequently, President Buhari wants to spend N400 million on planning and development of nuclear power plant infrastructure; N200 million to design siting development of nuclear infrastructure construction operation and decommissioning of the proposed multipurpose Research Reactor Complex at Sheda, and N50 million on reactor core conversion from high enriched uranium to low enriched uranium at CERT, Zaria.


Some other proposals include the completion and equipping of low intermediate level radioactive waste management facility at Nuclear Technology Centre Sheda, for N100 million; FGN IAEA Marine Contamination Coastal Field Monitoring Station and Laboratory Facility, for N150,000,000.