16- Being possessive and needy
Nobody wants to appear needy or clingy, neither on their first date nor during any time in their relationship.
They are deal-breakers for a good number of men. Let me put it this way – why would any man date a girl who’s dependent on him for everything? Men want women who are independent and who can take care of themselves.
17- Having warped ideas about love and dating
This one is for all those women out there who are influenced by ideas of ‘Prince Charming’. Daniel Steele and Nicholas Sparks stories are good reads, we agree. But not every story has a happy ending. Neither is life one long romcom movie.
18- Complaining too much
People have been known to bond over a common complaint. But griping incessantly is going to make your date run for the hills. Don’t then be surprised if he doesn’t call you after he told you that he would.
19- Failing to set boundaries
20- Being a feminazi
You may be a hardcore feminist in your heart. It is all right to talk about gender equality/inequality on a date provided that you don’t make your date uncomfortable.
Likewise, if he pulls your chair out or holds the door open for you, look at it as the result of a good upbringing rather than as an attack on your principles.
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