Here Are 3 Things Men Want Their Woman To Stop Doing In A Relationship

3 Things Men Want Their Woman To Stop Doing In A Relationship 3 Things Men Want Their Woman To Stop Doing In A Relationship

A good woman is a source of pride not only to her man but to also those around her and the greatest gift a woman can offer her relationship is to avoid things that could endanger its peace and love. On behalf of every man out there, below are some things every woman should look away from in a relationship.

Bad company: “Evil communication corrupts good manners’, they say, you’re highly influenced by the company you keep so it is therefore important to choose them wisely and avoid that friendship that could tempt you into doing something that would harm your marriage, or maybe cause your husband to look at you differently, your friends should make you better, not drag you into imm0rality”.

Comparison to your ex: “Happens whenever there’s an argument between couples, you find one of them recalling their great experiences with their Ex, and comparing the Ex to their current lover most times this is done out of anger most of the time, but it’s important to watch your emotions always do not ever allow them control you as comparing your present partner to your Ex is like telling him to his face the previous is better, and he’s not good enough”.


Don’t be the all in your relationship: “This applies to both married and unmarried people, just because you think your position on an issue or how to approach something is better shouldn’t cause you to shrug off the opinion of your man, he deserves some respect, as much as you do there should be a balance so take his ideas, merge them with yours because that’s how you keep a happy relationship”.