4 Reasons You Should Not Skip Breakfast [Very Important]

1-Skipping Breakfast May Not Help You Lose Weight

People who have been promised that skipping breakfast may help with weight loss may be in for a big shock when the scale readings still stay up. The fact is that studies have shown that people who do not take breakfast may not shed any weight, also, if they stay physically inactive, they may even gain some weight instead of losing it.

You may be wondering how this is possible. Well, the truth is that skipping breakfast may make you take higher-calorie meals later in the day. You may make a quick semi-heavy brunch by quickly baking a small snack using your counter top oven then go ahead to cook a ‘proper lunch a few hours later. Afterall, the body needs an energy source for its daily activities. People who take meals in the morning also were found to have about the same calorie intake per day as those who do not take meals until later in the afternoon.

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