4 Things That Happens When Yeast Infection Is Not Treated

4 Things That Happens When Yeast Infection Is Not Treated

4 Things That Happens When Yeast Infection Is Not Treated

Yeast infections or Candida vaginitis is not a new thing especially among women.

It’s characterized by itchiness of the vagina, smelly brownish discharge, painful intercourse, burning during urination among others.

For some reasons, some people do not seek medical help when they have yeast infections with hope that the condition will disappear on its own. But can yeast infections disappear on their own without treatment?

Well, health experts say that sometimes it can happen. One, if the infection was only mild and happened due to exposure to certain conditions that you are no longer exposed to, it can go away. Secondly, if the yeast has only affected one area in your body and you have a very strong immune system, the infection can disappear.

However, this is not to say that you should not seek medical attention. In fact, you should see a doctor as soon as you notice the symptoms we mentioned above. Why? Because if left untreated, yeast infections can lead to other health complications.

Some complications that arise from untreated yeast infections include:

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