4 Top Scholarships for Developing Countries | Apply Now

2-World Bank Scholarships Program

The World Bank Group has partnered with various organizations to provide academic support and graduate study financial assistance for candidates from developing countries or for students in international development programs.

The two programs currently offered are the following:

Scholarships in Belgium for International Students (20+ Fully Funded)

Joint Japan/World Bank Graduate Scholarship Program (JJ/WBGSP)

Robert S. McNamara Fellowships Program (RSMFP)


-Citizen of a World Bank Developing Country

-Bachelor Degree required

-Have 3+ years of development related work experience

Application Process;

-JJ/WBGSP must first apply for master’s degree admission with partner school

-Winners are determined by quality of professional experience, professional recommendations, commitment to home country, and education background

-The RSMFP program is currently being restructured and will result in new application process

Application Dates;

Applications are opened on February of each year.

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