5 Important Things we’ve learnt from Lil Wayne and Birdman’s Beef

2-Family and Money Doesn’t Mix Well

This lesson seems so obvious, but yet here we are, over 3 years into one of the most public family-money feuds in hip-hop history. Birdman and Wayne aren’t really related, and there was never an official adoption. In fact, Wayne has claimed that his stepfather  Reginald “Rabbit” McDonald is the man whom he considers his real dad, although he is named after his biological father. Several artists have called Birdman out for unpaid dues over the last decade, and the only conceivable reason that Wayne stayed at Cash Money was his love for his hip-hop pop. In fact, although it was well-known that Birdman had stuck his hands into his artists’ pockets, no one would have ever believed that he would steal from his son.

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