5 Outstanding Reasons Why Is Good To Have Se.X With A Preg!Nant Woman [Must Read]

5 Outstanding Reasons Why Is Good To Have Se.X With A Preg!Nant Woman [Must Read]

5 Outstanding Reasons Why Is Good To Have Se.X With A Preg!Nant Woman [Must Read].

Every woman looks forward to conceiving her own child, they say the gift of motherhood is the greatest joy any woman can ever feel. Pregnancy is not so easy, while carrying a child for nine months can be stressful, You must have heard that se!x during pregnancy should be avoided, truth is se!x during pregnancy might just be the best se!x you will ever have.

  1. Does s!ex during preg!nancy harm the baby? No, a baby isn’t hurt when a preg!nant woman and her partner make love. The amniotic sac and the strong muscles of the uterus protect the baby, and the thick mucus plug that seals the cervix helps guard against infection.
  1. Heightened bre!ast sensitivity Bre!asts often feel tingly, tender, and unusually sensitive to touch, particularly in the first trimester, due to the high influx of female hormones during this time.
  2. Improve sleep; For moms: Se!x is relaxing — so it helps you sleep better. For babies: The rocking motion of a se!x session often lulls baby to sleep.
  3. Boosts happiness; Orgasm releases endorphins — which make both you and baby happier and more relaxed. Increases intimacy; Thank oxytocin again — it’s been linked to romantic attachment.
  1. It prevents pre-eclampsia; Pre-eclampsia or a rise in the blood pressure sometime during the second trimester of preg!nancy is common among many women. While diet, medication and other lifestyle changes can help counter this problem effectively, se!x during pregnancy can do wonders to keep pre-eclampsia at bay. The reason being the man’s spe!rm has a special protein called HLA-G that helps regulate body’s immune system and lowers blood pressure levels in a woman during pregnancy.