5 Reasons Why You Need To Make 2019 Your Selfish Year

You’ll learn to Become Your Own Best Friend;

Out of all the people in our lives, we are often most disconnected and out of touch with ourselves. We spend a lot of time trying to make others happy and tending to their needs, all the while neglecting the person we’re with 24/7: ourselves. Many of us don’t even like ourselves and wish we could jump out of our skin into someone else’s life. We see people’s posts on Facebook or Instagram and compare ourselves to them and their “seemingly” perfect lives. We spend so much time hating ourselves, because we’re our own worst critic.

It’s no surprise that so many people feel this way, because we live in a world obsessed with progress. Nothing is ever good enough, including ourselves. However, you don’t have to fall into this vicious cycle. Believe that you’re good enough as you are right now, and truly take the time to get to know yourself. The greatest gift you can give yourself is self-love, because no one can take it away from you.

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