5 Unbelievable Things Females Do After Unprotected Cex to Avoid Getting P R E G N @Nt

5 Unbelievable Things Females Do After Unprotected Cex to Avoid Getting P R E G N @Nt 5 Unbelievable Things Females Do After Unprotected Cex to Avoid Getting P R E G N @Nt

Things Females Do After Unprotected cex To Avoid Getting P r e g n@nt – They say women are more scared of getting p r e g n@t than contracting HIV/Aids.

I am not sure about the authenticity of the statement, but you get the point. Women will go at extra lengths to ensure they DO NOT get p r e g n@t. This is a fact, since time immemorial; women have been using bizarre ways to avoid getting p r e g n@t, S-.xually Transmitted Infection’s aside.

Here are some of the bizarre things they do to enjoy s-x without getting p r e g n@t.

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