6 Natural Remedies to Remove Stretch Marks within 3 Weeks

6 Natural Remedies to Remove Stretch Marks within 3 Weeks6 Natural Remedies to Remove Stretch Marks within 3 Weeks

Stretch marks are narrow streaks or lines that occur on the surface of the skin when it is stretched. Both men and women are susceptible to stretch marks, particularly on the thighs, hips, arms, buttocks, abdominal area, and lower back.

There are many causes of stretch marks, such as rapid weight gain or weight loss, pregnancy, excessive workout training, hormonal changes etc. These natural remedies will help to smooth and fade stretch marks without the risk of chemicals and surgery.

Here are 6 Natural Remedies to Remove Stretch Marks within 3 Weeks below;

1-Potato Juice

Potatos are rich in minerals and vitamins including Vitamin-C, B-complex, potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus and zinc. It promotes restoration and growth of skin cells.

Cut a potato into thick sized slices. Rub the slices gently over the stretch marks.

Leave it for 5-10 minutes and thereafter wash off with lukewarm water.

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