6 Things Your Tongue Says About Your Health [Bright Red Tongue Means See A Doctor]

6 Things Your Tongue Says About Your Health [Bright Red Tongue Means See A Doctor]

5-Purple tongue

Girl showing her tongue after eating bilberries

Girl showing her tongue after eating bilberries (Inc/Shutterstock)

If you’ve just eaten a purple popsicle or candy, then having a purple tongue is expected. However, if you examine your tongue first thing in the morning and it looks like that, then it’s a worrisome sign of having blood circulation problems or vitamin B12 deficiency. Even if there are no other symptoms, a purple tongue, or purple spots, is reason enough to see a doctor.

According to Healthline, a purple coloring may be due to the fact that your blood is not supplying enough oxygen to all of the cells of the body, which may indicate lung or heart problems, and it should be examined right away. The longer this issue is neglected, though, the graver the consequences may be over time, as your body is being deprived of oxygen.

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