8 Unbelievable Health Benefits of Eating Raw Onions

Improved Sleep and Mood;

Homocysteine is an amino acid made by the body as it breaks down proteins. Too much of it hinders production of the hormones serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine, the trio responsible for mood stabilization, good feelings, sleep, and appetite. Onions are particularly rich in folate, which prevents homocysteine from building up in excess.

Getting enough folate is therefore crucial to reducing the incidence and severity of depression. A deficiency in folate can also cause fatigue and growth problems, which are further exacerbated by poor sleep. On top of all the other benefits, an onion a day may just keep you feeling awesome both physically and mentally.

If you don’t like your onions raw – and we get it, the odor tends to stick around – you can still receive the health benefits we discussed by eating them cooked. The benefits are reduced by the application of heat, but not entirely eradicated. And if you swear you don’t like onions at all, consider that they are present in almost every savory dish you’ve ever had. Perhaps it is the crunch more than the flavor that bothers you. Try grating some onion into your home cooked meals to see if that makes a difference. One way or another, eating more onion is a smart choice for your health.

8 Unbelievable Health Benefits of Eating Raw Onions