Eighty-six repentant members of the dreaded Boko Haram sect are currently undergoing rehabilitation at the Bulumkutu Rehabilitation Centre Maiduguri, Mohammed Alkali, managing director of the North-East Development Commission (NEDC) has said.
The former terrorists are sheltered and catered for by the Borno State Government with support from development partners.
Meanwhile, the NEDC is set to launch a scholarship program that will sponsor persons affected by insurgency in the region into the academics and to undertake vocational skills.
Repentant Boko Haram militants receive breakfast before being loaded onto an aircraft by the Nigerian military prior to being taken to a rehabilitation centre in Gombe. (Photo: Usuf Osman, European Press photo Agency)DENIAL OF RESPONSIBILITY!
Repentant Boko Haram militants receive breakfast before being loaded onto an aircraft by the Nigerian military prior to being taken to a rehabilitation centre in Gombe. | Usuf Osman, European Press photo Agency
Alkali says this is part of the commission’s effort in alleviating the sufferings of those affected by insurgency.
At the Bulumkutu Rehabilitation Centre, the inmates are receiving educational, vocational and moral lessons for future reintegration into the society.
The North East Development Commission’s mandate is not just to provide food and non-food items to insurgency affected persons but also to ensure the stablisation of peace in the zone.
The commission says it will execute two priority projects in all the local government areas of the state.
The first set of projects will be in education with schools built and equipped for conducive teaching and learning.
Alkali said that the commission carries out its mandate in meeting the physical and emotional needs of those affected by insurgency.
He then inspected facilities within the rehabilitation centre such as hostels, kitchen, and the livelihood centre.