9 Things You Should Never Use On A Pimple, According To Dermatologists

9 Things You Should Never Use On A Pimple, According To Dermatologists9 Things You Should Never Use On A Pimple, According To Dermatologists

There are tons of different product recommendations out there – tea tree oil, toothpaste, apple cider vinegar, lemon juice – that all promise to clear up your skin in no time.

But some of these treatments can actually do more harm than good when it comes to fighting acne.

Using certain products can irritate your skin or even make the zit worse, so it’s important to know what’s safe to use and what you should be staying away from.

INSIDER spoke to board-certified dermatologists to find out which nine things you should never use to treat your blemishes – no matter how tempting it may be.

9-Your fingers shouldn’t be touching your pimple.

The golden rule of acne? Hands off, said Charlotte Birnbaum, a dermatologist in New York.

“Do not pop or pick your pimples,” she told INSIDER.

“This can cause more damage since you’re introducing bacteria from your finger into the pimple and potentially driving bacteria deeper into the acne spot. Also, trauma from popping can lead to scarring, which requires expensive treatments to improve.”

If you feel like you absolutely need a pimple popped, go see a dermatologist, Birnbaum said. They will perform the extraction safely and quickly.

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