9 Things Your Lips Say About Your Health—[Tingling Lips May Signify a Stroke is coming]

9 Things Your Lips Say About Your Health—[Tingling Lips May Signify a Stroke is coming]

8-Tingling LipsTingling lips may result from things such as stress or exposure to cold temperatures. However, it can also be a sign of a stroke or transient ischemic attack (TIA), which may occur when normal blood flow gets obstructed, starving the brain of oxygen. Even though TIAs are called mini-strokes (because they last only a few minutes and won’t cause lasting damage), experiencing a TIA very likely means a full-blown stroke is on the way.

There are also cases where food poisoning may cause tingling in the lips and tongue. It can develop soon after eating contaminated foods or foods that have been left out of refrigeration for long periods of time.

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