9 Things Your Lips Say About Your Health—[Tingling Lips May Signify a Stroke is coming]

9 Things Your Lips Say About Your Health—[Tingling Lips May Signify a Stroke is coming]

5-Cracked Mouth Corners

Cracking at the corners of the mouth, also known as angular cheilitis, can be quite irritating and can be caused by various nutritional deficiencies. A lack of iron, for instance, means that skin cells are unable to regenerate quickly enough, leading to broken skin. Since vitamin B also contributes to healthy skin, a deficiency can cause a variety of skin problems including split lips. Low levels of zinc can also lead to cracking at the corners of the mouth.

Angular cheilitis can also be an indication of diabetes. People with diabetes have too much glucose in their blood. The high level of blood glucose encourages the growth of fungi like candida, affecting the thin skin at the corners of the mouth.

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