Felix Ugo Omokhodion, better known as Fresh Prince Felix, a Nollywood actor, has lost his lovely wife.
This was revealed by the movie star in a moving Instagram post.
Felix bid his Queen farewell while grieving for her and shared photos of her.
He referred to his late wife as everything—his bride, partner, guardian angel, and the love of his life.
Felix said he only finds comfort in the knowledge that she is now living in heaven with angels because her absence has left an indescribable void.
He vowed that his love for her would burn within him forever like an eternal flame.
“In the depths of my grief, I bid farewell to you my love, my heart, my best friend, my bride, my partner, my guardian angel, my everything. Your absence leaves an unfathomable void. Yet, I find solace knowing you now reside with angels in heaven. Your love, an eternal flame, will forever burn within me. Until we reunite, you remain my guiding light, even from realms unseen. You always stay with me, my love.
My heart cannot find the right words but my soul does!
Forever in my heart”.*