“Why boundaries builds healthy relationships” – Actress Beverly Naya

  • Beverly Naya emphasizes the significance of setting clear boundaries in personal relationships with social media users.
  • Naya emphasized the importance of setting boundaries on Instagram to safeguard one’s emotional well-being and foster meaningful connections.
  • Naya, who previously struggled with assertiveness, emphasized the significant impact of setting clear boundaries on her behavior.
"Why boundaries builds healthy relationships" - Actress Beverly Naya

Actress Beverly Naya has highlighted the significance of establishing boundaries in personal relationships to her social media followers.

In her Instagram post, Naya underscored that defining boundaries is essential for safeguarding one’s emotional health and fostering meaningful connections.

She acknowledged her past struggles with assertiveness but noted that implementing clear boundaries has profoundly transformed her life.

Naya expressed that she previously felt uneasy about setting limits, worried that she might appear overly strict or challenging.

Nevertheless, she recognized that by defining her boundaries, she has been able to cultivate healthy relationships while distancing herself from toxic ones.

She wrote: “One of the most powerful lessons I’ve learnt is that setting boundaries isn’t just about protecting your peace…it’s about making space for the right people to stay in your life.“I honestly used to struggle with saying ‘no’ or speaking up when something didn’t sit right with me, but the moment I began to clearly define what I could and couldn’t accept, something magical happened: the right people respected my boundaries, and those who didn’t naturally faded away.

“At first, it felt uncomfortable…like I was being too harsh or difficult. But the truth is, when you create boundaries, you’re not being difficult, you’re choosing yourself“Now, when I reflect on those relationships that couldn’t withstand my boundaries, I see it as a blessing.

“We don’t need to hold onto people or situations that drain us. The ones meant to stay will honour your boundaries (and vice versa), and that’s how you know you’re creating space for healthier, more fulfilling connections.

“Just remember: boundaries don’t push the right people away, they invite them closer. Let them be your guide, and watch how your life fills with the right energy and people who truly”.

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