Actor Kanayo O. Kanayo speaks on the high number of police & military checkpoints on South East roads

  • Veteran actor Kanayo O. Kanayo has expressed his dissatisfaction with the excessive presence of police and military checkpoints on South East roads on social media.
  • Actor claims to have witnessed a military checkpoint in the South East harassing and humiliating commuters within 200 meters of the Lagos-Ibadan express road.
  • The actor questioned if the high number of checkpoints is due to hatred or dislike towards the South East’s indigenous people.
Actor Kanayo O. Kanayo speaks on the high number of police & military checkpoints on South East roads

Veteran actor Kanayo O. Kanayo has expressed his concerns on social media regarding the excessive presence of police and military checkpoints on the roads in the South East region.

In a video shared on Instagram this morning, the actor noted that while traveling on the Lagos-Ibadan expressway, he has not encountered any military or police checkpoints. However, he observed that in the South East, checkpoints are situated within a mere 200 meters of each other, subjecting commuters to what he described as “harassment and humiliation.”

He questioned whether the proliferation of these checkpoints is indicative of “hatred or dislike” towards the local population.

‘’I left Felele Olorunshogo area of Ibadan this morning at about 7.15 and this is exactly 8.15 and I am in Lagos. I found out one thing. Over a distance of 80 kilometers, I didn’t see one checkpoint, one police checkpoint or an Army checkpoint, Have you ever plied the Onitsha/Enugu expressroad. Did you ever count the number of police checkpoints or military checkpoints on Enugu-Onitsha road?

Why is the South East militarized and policed that you cannot go for more than 200 meters without a police checkpoint. I need to ask this question because the delay in journeys and humiliation people go through needs to be pointed out. The number of police checkpoints, collection points? They humiliate our people so badly tat most times people in the vehicle are asked to come down and hands up? Is this hatred? Is this dislike? This is not good. Is the South East still part of Nigeria?


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