American Man, Advices Intelligent Nigerians to Get Out Of the Country So As To Move Ahead

American Man, Advices Intelligent Nigerians to Get Out Of the Country So As To Move AheadAmerican Man, Advices Intelligent Nigerians to Get Out Of the Country So As To Move Ahead

An American man in a street chat with a Nigerian man, adviced every intelligent person in the country to think about leaving if they want to get ahead.

According to the American man, all he has heard about Nigeria is that ‘if you don’t open up your pocket and pay everyone from the lowest to the highest, you don’t get anything done’.

He concluded his speech by stating that ‘ as an intelligent person, you need to get out of Nigeria if you want to get ahead, because of the powers that wants to hold everybody down; especially women and intelligent people’.

American Man, Advices Intelligent Nigerians to Get Out Of the Country So As To Move Ahead