25 Common Dating Mistakes That Destroy Relationship [Number 9 Is Very Common]


25 Common Dating Mistakes That Destroy Relationship [Number 9 Is Very Common] 25 Common Dating Mistakes That Destroy Relationship [Number 9 Is Very Common]

Many women have gone home happily after a first date, believing it couldn’t have been more perfect. They anxiously await the phone call that was promised, but in vain.

Dating can be exciting, yet unnerving. Want to improve the odds of a second date with a great guy? Beware of 25 common dating mistakes women make!

1- Jumping the gun

A first date is an opportunity for you and your date to get acquainted. It’s the time to get to know each other better.

Dating is a process involving time and commitment from both parties . It is not the recipe for an instant relationship. No matter how much you’re into the guy, don’t appear too desperate to get married or to be in a relationship.

So, remember not to scare the guy away by broaching topics such as exclusivity, hyphenated last names, and the worst – babies.

2- Getting too chummy

Never treat your date as if you’ve been long lost friends. Save all the intimate details of your life for later, unless you want to be labeled ‘neurotic’.

3- Forgetting table manners

A dinner date inevitably means conversations over food. It doesn’t mean you have to talk with your mouth full.

Keep a check on your manners throughout the date . Say ‘thank you’ and ‘please’ whenever appropriate. Also, it will be good if you ask your date well in advance about where you’re meeting.

4- Being argumentative

Over dinner, your date could bring up a topic that you feel particularly passionate about. The prudent thing to do would be to state your point of view and to refrain from arguing.

Yes, evaluate compatibility, yet remind yourself that it’s a date, not a debate. You’re not going to lose much by suppressing the urge to prove a point.

Arguments escalate quickly and your date night could go from being memorable to forgettable in a matter of minutes.

5- Talking incessantly

Sure, it’s your first date and you are nervous. Moments of silence need not always be awkward.

If you have to rack your brain to come up with something to talk about, you’ll know that it’s forced, and forced conversations are seldom pleasant.

And remember, it’s a conversation, not a monologue. So, don’t hog all the talking time; give the guy a chance to put in a word now and then!

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