A young lady recently made social media waves after NYSC assigned her to a local abattoir as her PPA.
The story was initially revealed by Twitter user TA Adeiye, whose tweet soon went viral, generating a variety of responses from the online community.
While Adeiye did not reveal the exact region or state where the NYSC member is serving, he did express his reservations about the placement.
Adeiye claimed to know the lady and was astonished by her assignment to the abattoir, implying that this was not a good PPA for a degree.
Adeiye then released a follow-up video and a photo of the lady announcing the start of her work at the abattoir.
An guy was seen carrying a bucket holding various meat portions in the video, while cow legs and tails were placed on a nearby table.
As word of this odd NYSC posting circulated on social media, Nigerians took to numerous forums to voice their opinions.
Netizens Reactions…
@theDamiDami said: “NYSC always does rubbish. They posted my guy to a church as an organist. An accountant!”
@Olurantowoseeni commented: “Might be laughable but it’s a good idea. The local business owners can gain a lot from an educated person…if they are willing to adapt.”
@iamrenike said; “This is insane!”
@niruha__ said; “She probably studied animal husbandry.”
@TAAdeiyer replied; “Even animal husbandry should get farm, worst case scenario. Vet science or animal husbandry how is it the same as cutting and selling meat in abattoir?”
@CathChisomsTwin said; “Smh NYSC is supposed to foster nation building, and the give the corp member needed work experience to help them kickstart their career. I don’t see how sending a corp member to an abattoir accomplishes any of the above. Wonder what the Corper’s CV will look like with it on it”
@adeshi_agba said; “Had a lawyer friend who was posted to a nursery school. Lol. Imagine been called to bar and then going to do A for apple. Bro wan craze … Twas funny shaa”