All You Need To Know About Ultimate Cycler and How to Join With N12500 and Make N50000 in Less Than 2 Days


Ultimate Cycler is among the hottest online networking business in Nigeria today just like MMM, help2get etc. In Ultimate Cycler, Members Donate Money to Members meaning you are  not paying money into the site system. It’s a mutual community where Members help members.


It’s a 2×2 cycler scheme with a direct member-to-member payment plan. You don’t pay any money into the system, no admin fees, no registration fees, none of that, you get all of your payout directly into your account.


There are 6 matrix levels you can earn from, but the only expense you make is the one-time N12,500 ($25) you donate to your sponsor so as to activate your account.


How Does Ultimate Cycler Nigeria Work?

When you register, you will need to donate the sum of N12,500 to a fellow member you registered under his link, and he will then confirm your donation.


Ultimate Cycler Nigeria gives you N50,000 after about a week, or thereabout, even less  of investing just N12,500, and if you’re not good at referring others, you’ve got no problem as the system got you covered and would automatically fix 4 people under you who would pay you N12,500 each summing up to N50,000 within 1 to 2 weeks.


Once you register, you’re paired with someone to whom you’ll make a one-time payment of N12,500 to and your account would be activated, then you’re set to receive your own payments of N12,500 from  four other people.


However, the only advantage of referring your friends is that it keeps the system going and it ensures that you get your profit faster.


If you register today on Ultimate Cycler Nigeria and your able to get 4 of your friends to register today also using your referral link, then you’ll make your N50,000 in just one day.


After that, login to your ultimate Cycler account, click on “My Profile”, when your profile loads up, scroll down to the part that says “Payment Instructions.” Delete the default text you don’t need there and enter your bank account details there.


Note: You will get paid to the bank account details you entered in the “Payment Instructions” section. So, make sure it is correct.

Whenever you receive payment go to your Ultimate Cycler account to confirm that the person has paid you. This is also important.


The system (Admin) will put 4 other registered people under you from spillovers who will also pay you N12,500 each, into your bank account, making N50,000. You can also bring people to register under you if you can’t wait for the system to do it for you.


After you have your 4 people under you, you can now upgrade to Grade 2, where you Will need to pay N25,000 from your N50000 to a Grade 2 upline member and now you don’t need to worry on how to get people in this level, the system will bring 16 persons under you who will pay you N25000 each making N400,000.



You upgrade with $50 (N25,000) out of your profits.

It is also 2×2 matrix.

As your down lines follow you, together with spillovers from your up lines, you cycle $50 x 4= $200 (N100,000). Re-enter as you did in the $25 matrix. You keep profiting with the cycle of $200 over and over without limit, giving you $150 each time you cycle, which is N75,000 net profit over and over and over again without end.



It is also a 2×2 matrix.

In the same manner, you upgrade to this matrix with $100 (N50,000).

At this level you earned $100 x4 = $400 (N200,000), giving you a net profit of N150,000 over and over without end.



It is also a 2×2 matrix.

In the same manner, you upgrade to this matrix with $200 (N100,000).

At this level you earned $200 x4 = $800 (N400,000), giving you a net profit of N300,000 over and over without limit.



It is also a 2×2 matrix.

In the same manner, you upgrade to this matrix with $400 (N200,000).

At this level you earned $400 x4 = $1,600 (N800,000), giving you a net profit of NN600,000 over and over again without end.



It is also a 2×2 matrix.


In the same manner, you upgrade to this matrix with $800 (N400,000).

At this level you earned $800 x4 = $3,200 (N1,600,000), giving you a net profit of N1,2000,000 over and over without end as you keep on cycling.


(Note: Registering under somebody’s link may not mean that you will pay to him or her, the system decides who you pay to)


Join an active team like mine or any member you can trust so your down line can grow quickly. Our Team will help put you through and guide you. Register with any of our team referral.


If you are unable to register or you do not understand what ultimate cycler is all about, you can contact me on 08114750538



2 Comments on All You Need To Know About Ultimate Cycler and How to Join With N12500 and Make N50000 in Less Than 2 Days

    • their account will be deactivated and you will be merged with new person that is willing to pay. thank you

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