APGA Members Spotted Running around for Food and N1000 for Attending Obiano’s Flag-Off [Photos]

APGA Members Spotted Running around for Food and N1000 for Attending Obiano’s Flag-OffAPGA Members Spotted Running around for Food and N1000 for Attending Obiano’s Flag-Off.


This is what an eyewitness posted:

They promised them 5k for attending and later cut it to 1k and a gala and coke

i said it earlier before those crowd are mainly party loyalists, political sycophants ,civil servants that were forced to attend and mainly phyno fans that came to watch free show

before you talk nonsense note these facts

  1. abu m 100% anambarian ezigbo onye onitsha ado n’idu
  1. I support no candidate though i was for obiano before but my PVC may be resting that day unless i change my mind
