BREAKING: Ex-Arsenal Star Diagnosed With HIV.

Concerns over the health status of former Arsenal’s right back, Emmanuel Eboué have been raised on Sunday by the player’s agent.
This has put the 34-year-old move to Northern Cypriot team Türk Ocağı Limasol on hold when doctors discovered he has abnormal blood values during his medical.
This much was revealed by the Ivorian’s agent, Tekin Birinci, when he announced on social media that: “Unfortunately [it] is true that we are facing some medical problems about Eboue. He will go to England… so we will know how serious it is.”
“Eboue signed for a club and, as a normal procedure, we took him for a medical to check him out. It is wrong to say at this point he has HIV. Turkish news reports are wrong. I made it [Eboue’s situation] clear two days ago. Even if it will be true it shouldn’t be published like that.”
It would be recalled that Eboue once admitted that being out of football for a year took toll on his spirit and, at his lowest point, he even considered suicide.
He told the Telegraph in December last year: “There are times when I stay in my bedroom and don’t come out. One, two days in that room. Alone. I lock the door and am just thinking. I spend a lot of my time reading the Bible and will say, ‘Emmanuel, why are you doing that? It’s no good for your family’.
“My son Mathis is seven and plays for Arsenal’s academy. Every time I go there with him people ask me what’s going on and it makes it worse. ‘Emmanuel, have you retired?’ So I have to explain my situation. It makes me more depressed.”
Eboue, one of the few members of Arsenal’s invincible still playing active football is due to fly to England to have further tests to dispel the claim.