Charly Boy Denied His Igbo Root, Reveals Why He Will Never Support The Demand For Biafra [Video]

 Charly Boy Denied His Igbo Root, Reveals Why He Will Never Support The Demand For Biafra [Video]

Charly Boy Denied His Igbo Root, Reveals Why He Will Never Support The Demand For Biafra [Video]

Watch the latest igbo conference held in London where intelligent but crazy Charly boy stormed the entire gathering with his Biafran experience and why he will never support the demand for Biafra.

Charly Boy Denied His Igbo Root, Reveals Why He Will Never Support The Demand For Biafra [Video]

4 Comments on Charly Boy Denied His Igbo Root, Reveals Why He Will Never Support The Demand For Biafra [Video]

  1. Brother your guys need to believe me in this ,,,,check out all those people that grow up with they fathers wealth always end up being senseless eg Davido ,Charley boy etc,,believe me all those people knows nothing about they mean root of life ,,so am not surprise hearing this,,that is why we always tell our woman to make you breast feed your child so he can be able to think like his parent not like a caw ,,,after giving a child a caw milk you will still lock him in a compound till he grows ,,now tell me how you think that child will know his or her root of life ??????so my people please forgive Charley boy is not really his fault ,,,,,we should blame the parents for not giving him a good breast milk

  2. Charly Boy will always be a boy!
    Check out his answers, he is a confused man that thinks he’s right!
    Charly boy never made any good point here, than to be advertising himself…..!
    This is so had of him, I’m very very Disappointed in him……!
    A man of this age…. O my GOD!!!

  3. You don’t need to ask who is a mad man. By his dressing you don’t need a prophet to tell you because Igbos never and will never dress like him.

  4. Anybody whom seen you knows that you’re a mad boy and ur mumu can never do.stupid man,shameless goat.go school no brain.

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