COVID-19: UK Purchase Forty Million Doses of Oxford Vaccine

COVID-19: UK Purchase Forty Million Doses of Oxford Vaccine

COVID-19: UK Purchase Forty Million Doses of Oxford Vaccine

The University of Oxford corona-virus vaccine surges a strong immune response in older adults, its latest trials certifies.

The vaccine has been reported to trigger a robust immune response in healthy adults aged 56-69 and people over 70.

Phase two data, published in The Lancet, reveals one of the groups’ most vulnerable to serious illness and death from Covid-19 could build immunity, researchers say.

According to the researchers, volunteers in the trial demonstrated similar immune responses across all three age groups (18-55, 56-69, and 70 and over).

The study of 560 healthy adults – including 240 over the age of 70 – found the vaccine is better tolerated in older people compared with younger adults.

The UK has 100 million doses of the Oxford jab on order, enough to vaccinate almost the entire population, pending regulatory approval.

The Oxford findings come after Pfizer and BioNTech revealed that their vaccine candidate has shown 95% efficacy, with a 94% effectiveness in those aged 65 and over.