Daddy Freeze Dragged Pastor Adeboye’s Son “Leke Adeboye” After His Islamophobic Post

Daddy Freeze Dragged Pastor Adeboye’s Son “Leke Adeboye” After His Islamophobic Post
Daddy Freeze Dragged Pastor Adeboye’s Son “Leke Adeboye” After His Islamophobic Post

Daddy Freeze has once again, dragged Pastor Adeboye’s son, Leke Adeboye over an Islamophobic post he shared on his Instagram page.

Pastor Adeboye’s son had written that the greatest threat to Islam in Nigeria is the RCCG.

Daddy Freeze Dragged Pastor Adeboye’s Son “Leke Adeboye” After His Islamophobic Post

Throwing a shade at Daddy Freeze, Leke Adeboye also stated that someone is paying the ‘Free The Sheeple’ leader to write posts against the RCCG, and once in a while attach Islam is good to his post.In reply, Daddy Freeze wrote;

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