Our Daily Manna Publisher, Chris Kwapovwe, Involved In bitter S*X Scandal With Church Member [See Details]

Our Daily Manna Publisher, Chris Kwapovwe, Involved In bitter S*X Scandal With Church Member [See Details]

Our Daily Manna Publisher, Chris Kwapovwe, Involved In bitter S*X Scandal With Church Member [See Details]

A journalist took to his social media page on Facebook to implicate the publisher of a popular Christian devotional literature, ‘Our Daily Manna’, Rev Chris Kwapovwe in an alleged s*x scandal.

According to Fejiro Oliver, the cleric who is an alleged serial womanizer arrested a lady for refusing him s*x.

The journalist further alleged that the arrested lady is in possession of evidence that will crumble the cleric’s ministry.

The pastor was alleged to have said: “If I f**k you, you will forget your name and be screaming my name Chris Chris’

The man of God has however denied the allegations