Daniel Regha calls out Male & Female Gender Over Relationship Games

  • Daniel Regha, a renowned social media commentator and celebrity tormentor, has criticized both genders for engaging in romantic games.
  • Daniel Regha is upset over a controversial tweet by a female on X, which was posted by Instablog9ja, claiming that men are funny and already in love with them.
  • Daniel Regha remarked on the humorous nature of women, stating that once a man confesses his feelings, he is often subjected to various financial obligations.
Daniel Regha Blasts Male & Female Gender Over Relationship Games

Daniel Regha, a well-known celebrity tormentor and social media commenter, has criticized both men and women for playing games in relationships.es 

The source of Daniel Regha’s rage is a female X user’s tweet that was shared by the contentious site Instablog9ja. The message begins with: “Men are so funny, you just saw me, and you’re already in love with me”

In response to the tweet, Daniel Regha said that women find it hilarious that when a man expresses his emotions, he is hit with a variety of financial obligations.

Making fun of both genders, he pointed out that both men and women enjoy playing games.

Daniel Regha wrote on X:
“Some women are so funny; A man just said he likes u & all of a sudden:

-Ur birthday is coming up.
-Wig vendor is advertising.
-Rent is almost due.
-There’s no food in the house.
-U have to pay for bestie’s contribution aso-ebi.

-Phone has turned to power grid, needs a replacement. Etc.

Both genders play games.”

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