Disturbed Mother in Her Twenties Stabs Her Three Children to Death at Their Home

 A 28-year-old mother has allegedly stabbed her three children to death and attempted committing suicide but survived.

The mother from Basud in Camarines Norte, Philippines, stabbed her three children, ages 5, 1 year 8 months old, and 4 months old, and arrested for Filicide.

The Police reported that, “the mother admitted to the crime thinking she was infected with the deadly Covid-19.”

Basud Police are suspecting the woman is suffering from Postpartum Depression.

FOLLOW-UP: CAMNORTE MOM FACES PARRICIDE FOR KILLING 3 KIDS, SUSPECT ADMITS CRIME THINKS SHE’S INFECTED WITH COVID-19 | Three counts of parricide were filed by the Philippine National Police against the 28-year-old mom from Basud Camarines Norte who killed her 3 little kids several days ago.

The suspect is still confined at a hospital after she tried to commit suicide after hacking all her children. She admitted to the crime thinking that she is infected with the deadly Covid-19.

Basud Police thinks that the suspect could be suffering Postpartum Depression.

The husband of the suspect and her other relatives are very determined to press charges against her.