Don’t you think something is wrong with you developmentally?- Temmie Ovwasa tackles those in their 30’s who date people in their 20’s

  • Temmie Ovwasa has called out people in their 30s who date those in their 20s.
I'm Doing The Best For My Children By Refusing Not To Give Birth -Temmie Ovwasa

Temmie Ovwasa has called out people in their 30s who date those in their 20s.

The singer said people in their 20s just finished being teenagers and questioned why an adult will want to be with anyone that young, instead of with their age mates.

“They’re not ‘mature’ for their age. They are traumatized,” Temmie said of people in their 20s.

She then insinuated that anyone in their 30s dating someone in their 20s is developmentally challenged.