African father christmas was captured on tape distributing sachet of water commonly called ‘pure water’ to children.
However this sparked divergent reactions from netizens, while some found it funny, others said it’s as a result of hardship and things might be better next year.
A video making the rounds on social media captures an African Father Christmas sharing an unexpected gift to kids.
He was captured on tape distributing sachet of water commonly called ‘pure water’ to children.
The boys and girls were made to form a queue and collect a sachet of water one after the other.
It sparked divergent reactions from netizens, while some found it funny, others said it’s as a result of hardship and things might be better next year.
surdyk_sneh; This one na Sapa Christmas 😁
morakinyo__; Country hard for santa claus too ?? 😂😂😂
tin_ero44; Make them no vex next year go better 😂😂😂😂lol
kev0deccck; Buhari you do dis wan… chei
lgotdreams; He no even add cabin biscuit or coaster. Assuming na me I for use the pure water stone am 😒😡
nanciiiieamy; wait wait wait…. e don bad like this? sapa don touch santa
solab7538; OMO! Things are hard, na sachet water SANTA fit afford this period 😂😂😂