EMPIRE Star, JUSSIE SMOLLETT Sued By the City Of Chicago

EMPIRE Star, JUSSIE SMOLLETT Sued By the City Of ChicagoEMPIRE Star, JUSSIE SMOLLETT Sued By the City Of Chicago

Jussie Smollett has been sued by the city of Chicago for the sum of $130k which they say covers the expenses incurred during the investigation of the ‘false’ report case he filed.

Jussie Smollett claimed months ago that he was attacked by two white men who chanted homophobic and racial slurs at him.

According to the Chicago Police Department, 1,836 hours of overtime work was done in the search for his attackers, which they say cost taxpayers $130,106.15.

Under city ordinance, the city is entitled to recoup three times its total damages, or about $390,000.

The complaint was filed on Thursday in Cook County Circuit Court where the city will also seek unspecified attorneys’ fees and costs.