End Time Husband Who Bought Dog, Phone with Wife’s CS Money Speaks Reveals What Really Happened


The Nigerian man responded to his wife’s accusations of misusing funds intended for her Caesarean section by purchasing a dog and a new phone.

This response followed shortly after the woman reached out on social media for financial assistance, claiming she was left alone during childbirth.

The man defended himself against the claims of using a donation to buy personal items, explaining that his wife’s behavior changed after receiving the money.

Through a detailed Facebook post, Chu Dy explained the events surrounding the allegations and clarified the situation at the hospital.

Speaking further, he said;

“My wife sent only 100k to me which I used for blood, test, and drugs.

People who know me knows that I have not changed my phone. its still that last phone and why will I even think of wasting when my wife and kid is at risk.

“Moving forward, I was with them at the hospital on Monday, where I bought two of my baby food, and ice cream for my wife, leaving the Mall, I thought it’s not ice cream she needs but pepper soup, I have to go home to drop the ice cream and got a meat pepper soup for her….she tell the world that

Getting to the hospital, I got two big eve water and food for her mom…stayed with the and left after 9pm…this was from work I came.”


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