“Ever since Tony Stark died, it hasn’t been easy for Peter”- Mai Shai trends online after wearing full Spider-Man costume

Hausa man who sells bread and eggs as part of a team, known as Mai Shai, has caused a stir by wearing a complete Spider-Man costume while selling his products.

This has been brought to light through a viral video on a popular social media platform. The video shows the Mai Shai’s face completely hidden by the Spider-Man costume, which covers his entire body.

The unique costume choice has caught people’s attention, as no other Mai Shai has been seen wearing something like this while conducting their business.

Many people have expressed their thoughts in the comments section of the post.

See some reactions below:

Sarah: “Omo eye turn spider man na he rush do bread and egg.”

Charity🦋: “Quick quick snack before going to save the day.”

🧢alot: “what in the Malam multiverse is happening here.”

SOUL: “Spider man: sent away from home.”

Anime_guru: “Spiderman have to fend for himself too.”

vintage: “Spiderman into the mallam-verse.”

Abah Emmanuel: “Ever since Tony Stark died, it hasn’t been easy for him.”

Wavyson, Don’t fing kill: “Spider-Man: Leave home to feed home.”

Dev Danny /: “Spiderman making ends meet.”

KLVYNIE: “peter parker dey spin web, this one dey spin tea.”

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