“Father Abraham Don Drop Quote” – Reactions As Ubi Franklin Condemns Sammy Okposo Over His Infidelity Scandal

Gospel minister Sammie Okposo in a public apology to his wife revealed he cheated on her with another woman in US has stirred criticism amongst other allegations against him but he has deleted the apology.

Ubi Franklin reacting to a post that the lady Sammy Okposo supposedly impregnated said, claimed she will keep the baby condemned the actions of the gospel minister saying it’s bad at all levels and what he stands for.

According to Ubi Franklin, no one is perfect in this life and everyone’s days will come when they will not be proud of their actions but cheating is bad behavior on the part of Sammy Okposo

Most people have condemned the actions of the gospel minister especially after other allegations surfaced, Ubi Franklin has also condemned it even though he knows no one is perfect.