5-Tourism and Hospitality
It is possible for individuals to get many positions with little or no education/experience.
Those who serve food and beverages earn $22,000 yearly. Nonetheless, there are other exciting positions like accommodation service management, and all you need to do is complete a program in less than two years and earn up to $58,000 yearly!
Predictions have shown that unfulfilled jobs will be created across the country by 2035, as the labor supply will be outpaced by tourism and hospitality labor demand.
With this, the expansive industry is not mandated to cool off in no time.
Over 1.6million jobs have been boosted in past years by tourism spending with hotels and restaurants inclusive.
As time goes on, its yearly revenue turnover has amounted in billions.
Note: it is of a necessity that we take note of the fact that wages vary and this is dependent on the area you choose to work.
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