Full Steps of How to Link Your NIN with MTN Online

Full Steps of How to Link Your NIN with MTN Online

Good news as Nigerians using MTN line can now easily link their sim cards and their National identification number using this easy step.

MTN Nigeria has made it easy and simple for its customers to easily link there NIN with their SIM online without any hassle.

 Simple Requirements:

 1-MTN Number




* Note:

 You must have gotten your national identification number from the NCC office

 Follow steps to link up now;

 1. Visit the link below



 2. Fill In your MTN number

 3. Fill in your NIN Number

 4. Fill In Your email number

 Finally summit it is very simple please do fast to prevent your SIM from getting blocked.

 Y’ello, Kindly visit https://mtnonline.com/nin/ to link your line to your National Identity Number. Pending when verification of the submitted NIN is completed through NCC/NIMC, the status of the NIN submitted is unverified; this means that you might be required to visit again