- The woman bemoaned her baby’s hair, claiming that God had cursed her by giving her a kid with such hair.
- Many mothers offered their encouragement and good words while gushing over the gorgeous child’s hair.

While many others celebrate the blessing of a child, a new mother has taken to social media to cry bitterly and opine that her child was a curse from God.
The woman bemoaned her baby’s hair, claiming that God had cursed her by giving her a kid with such hair.
She released a video of her adorable toddler while lamenting the bay’s hair and won the hearts of internet users.
She released a video of the child’s hair on TikTok that quickly went viral while lamenting the fact that she couldn’t plait it.
Many mothers offered their encouragement and good words while gushing over the gorgeous child’s hair.
She rated her sister’s ability to style hair higher than hers in response to a remark. She claims that her sister creates lovely hairstyles for her child.
“God knows he cursed me when he gave me a girl and I don’t know how to do hair.”