This Is What God Told Me to Tell Nigerians about the Recent Crises and Killings – T.B. Joshua

“The president’s heart is like a stream of water in the hands of God and He can control it whenever He wants,” he continued in his customary parabolic fashion.

Joshua then reminded congregants of the ‘prophecy’ he gave in 2016 where he candidly stated Nigeria’s future was “crying for help”.

“You must join me in prayer for the nation because two believers are better than one,” he stressed before enjoining congregants to rise and pray.

Worshipers then joined Joshua in asking for God to give President Muhammadu Buhari and Nigeria’s leaders “a greater understanding of God’s heart, discretion to guide their hearts, understanding that will protect them and wisdom that will rescue them”.

This Is What God Told Me to Tell Nigerians about the Recent Crises and Killings   – T.B. Joshua