Despite Guinness World Record request to discontinue the attempts, Lady begins a Smile-A-Thon in which she will smile nonstop for 72 hours in order to break a record.
After being overwhelmed with applications, the record body issued a public service announcement urging people to take it easy on record-breaking attempts.
However, some Nigerians have apparently disregarded the plea and have commenced their own record attempts.
A video that went viral shows her on live cam smiling endlessly while the timer counts down.
Watch the video below;
the_real_tobe_official wrote: “She never chop breakfast or go 0 through a lot for her life before “
fashion_magicblog wrote: “What about pray _A_thon”
dkxn_t wrote: “What if her boyfriend just break up with 86 her as she dey do this Smile-a-thin?”
beatriceofficial wrote: “This song has been through alot..”
themediagirl wrote: “What if your lips should hang?”