Harrison, human rights activist, plans to fight for Obasi against Yul Edochie and Judy Austin


Harrison Gwamnishu, a human rights activist, has sparked outrage on the internet by publicly supporting Emmanuel Obasi, Judy Austin’s ex-husband, in his contentious child custody battle with the actress and her husband, Yul Edochie.

In a heated live chat with Facebook blogger Uju, Emmanuel Obasi did not mince words. He revealed Judy Austin as his ex-wife and the mother of his two children, accusing her of heartlessly denying him access to them for more than a decade.

Obasi portrayed a grim picture, claiming that his 16- and 14-year-old children are regarded as second-class citizens, ignored and abused by their mother.

The narrative intensifies as Obasi reveals that his children do not even reside with Judy and Yul Edochie and are instead left to fend for themselves. He didn’t hold back, characterizing Judy Austin as dangerous and unfit to care for their children.

As Emmanuel Obasi unleashed his pent-up rage on Yul Edochie and Judy Austin in a fiery live outburst, the internet erupted with sympathy for the struggling father.

Countless netizens tagged human rights activist Harrison Gwamnishu, pleading for him to support Obasi’s cause in his difficult custody struggle with Yul and Judy.

In a dramatic twist, Harrison Gwamnishu took the call. He swooped in on the live video remarks, professing his unwavering support for Obasi. His message was simple yet powerful: “Here for you.”

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