Omah Lay described his upbringing in a Christian environment and how, at one point in his life, he considered switching to Islam.

Omah Lay, a Nigerian artist, has caused a stir online after expressing his disinterest in religion in a recent interview.
The ‘Damn’ singer admitted that he used to be devout until he became famous and began making money, and that he has now relapsed.
Omah Lay described his upbringing in a Christian environment and how, at one point in his life, he considered switching to Islam.
He is no longer religious, but he still believes in God and has chosen to prioritize people before religion.

He respects his Creator and acknowledges his presence, but he no longer finds religion enjoyable.
To further his case, he argued that there is no evidence that the holy writings were written by God or anybody else.
“I think as soon as I made money I just switched, I just believed in God and respected God and became more human than religion, I just don’t enjoy religion anymore. I grew up in a Christian home, I spent a lot of time in church, and at some point, I was going to convert to Islam but now I’m at the point where it’s just me and God, no religion.”