Heavily Pregnant Lady Dumped By Husband For Constant Comparison Between Him And Her Ex


A pregnant woman shared a painful story about how her marriage took a sudden downturn after she made a comment comparing her ex to her husband. In a post by @LustSierra on X (formerly Twitter), she explained how her husband, who had always treated her with love and care, unexpectedly walked out on her just 30 minutes before an important doctor’s appointment.

The previous night, her husband had gone above and beyond, treating her to a luxurious date night. He showered her with gifts, including her favorite flowers, a necklace, a charm bracelet, and other thoughtful surprises.

However, during the romantic evening, she secretly sent pictures and videos of the date to her ex-boyfriend. In those messages, she expressed that she wished her ex was the one doing all those things for her and confessed that she still had feelings for him. This revelation appeared to have devastating consequences, leading to her husband’s sudden departure.

Speaking further, she said;

“Imagine this ..

“Imagine being 8 months pregnant and the night before your DR Appointment your husband takes you out on a nice date. Real fancy restaurant, got your favorite flowers, a necklace and new charm bracelet, comfy new slippers, perfume, etc all to end up leaving you the VERY NEXT MORNING 30 minutes before your appointment time.

“Back story, I met this man a few years ago and off rip he treated me like a queen. Our very first date was a night out in front of the lake. He was everything I ever wanted my ex to be. I’ve always acknowledged my appreciation for him and everything he has done. He has never cheated. Rubs my feet and belly faithfully, legit caters to me and my every need/want.

“FAST FORWARD, while we were on our date I snapped pictures & videos of everything and I sent them to my ex. I shared how I wished it was him who did these things for me, how it was him I should’ve been pregnant for, and how I wished he loved me how I still love him and maybe one day we could come back from this. My husband saw these messages.

“Now I know it was wrong but I love my husband and don’t want to lose him over stupid texts and hormones. I didn’t mean those things I’m just pregnant and emotional. How can I get my husband back? He has packed all his things and some of mine & left 💔.”

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