How my sister gave birth to her baby after hospitals claimed ‘no baby in the sac’- Lady narrates


A Nigerian woman describes how her sister’s womb was first declared empty by two hospitals, but she miraculously gave birth to a baby girl.

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The story was posted on the microblogging site X by the social media user @titoidakula, who disclosed that her sister had almost followed the physicians’ advice and had an evacuation surgery.

The woman claims that just as she was ready to adopt a kid, her sister discovered she was pregnant and received unfavorable news during a scan.

Regretfully, an ultrasound revealed there was no living baby within her womb, leading to the pregnancy being deemed not viable.

“I just remembered my Sister’s story. Feel led to share. Years after marriage, my sister & her husband didn’t have kids. They tried IVF but it failed. They just wanted to be parents, so they decided to adopt and started the process. As they started the process, she started to feel funny.

“She took a pregnancy test & it was POSITIVE! What??? We were all so happy for her, as the adoption process was going to take at least one year. Her pregnancy was a miracle. The joy we felt could not be expressed. As the 1st trimester was rounding up, my sister went for a scan and we got the shocking report: “No baby in the sac”. I forget the medical terms but basically they were saying the pregnancy was not progressing as it should. The doctor said they had to do an “evacuation”.

“We were stunned and confused! How did things change so dramatically? My sister was simply not going to accept that first report, so she decided to try another place and guess what? Same result. Sac was empty! I remember how distraught my sister was.

“After waiting YEARS? Eventually she accepted her faith and booked the “evacuation”; which is a procedure where they take out the unviable pregnancy. The procedure was scheduled for a Monday morning. The whole weekend we had a series of group calls. I remember us praying for peace for her. We decided the best thing to do was to spend the weekend in worship & praise. We didn’t have any other options.

“Apparently, when you don’t know what to do, you “worship”. That is what Paul & Silas did that night they were thrown in jail after being beaten. My brother was more extreme. He had just become a Christian & decided he was not worried because we were NOT losing the baby. I agreed that God could do ANYTHING! The key for us was to trust God no matter what. I’m still amazed at my sister’s strength. She really danced & praised!

“Anyway, Monday came and my sister got ready for her evacuation. But before she went to the hospital, a friend suggested one last scan at a different place. So she went as she had nothing to lose. She laid on the examination bed with a heavy heart not looking at the screen.

“She was not expecting what the sonographer said: “look at your baby”. WHAT BABY???? My Sister was shocked! WHAT BABY? They had told her there was no baby, so how come this man was seeing a baby? She looked at the screen and indeed, there was a baby there. HAAAAA!!

“To cut the long story short, she carried that pregnancy to term and my niece Precious is now 6 years old! She is beautiful and thriving! She also has a younger sister who is 4. Look at GOD! We prayed for one. It looked impossible, but now we have 2!”

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